Under the WASH program, ARUWE aims at improving general health conditions of the focus communities through increased access to clean and safe water, good hygiene conditions, sanitation facilities and building community capacity not only to maintain the facilities through Water User communities but to also to lobby and advocate for qualitative and quantitative WASH services from other duty bearers. ARUWE has adopted both right based and service based approach to service Delivery. ARUWE works with partners to supplement Government services by constructing Boreholes, shallow wells, spring tanks, rain water harvesting facilities, School, household and community sanitation facilities.
ARUWE is a member of UWASNET a network of NGOs working to improve access to water.
The aim of this program is to promoting awareness and good governance in sexual reproductive, maternal child health, HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, and other health services. ARUWE builds community capacity to lobby and advocate for qualitative and quantitative SRH, MCH, and HIV/AIDS care services. ARUWE works with district and sub county health resource persons, nurses, HUMCs, PDCs, village health teams(VHTs), youth peer educators(YPEs), Private health workers, Traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and community based organizations, to create access, and availability of the reproductive health services.
In partnership with other health organizations, ARUWE organizes mobile clinics for voluntary counseling and testing, provision of Health products like condoms, pills, and other protection and bath control products. Due to the increasing HIV rates, ARUWE works with Youth Peer Educators(YPEs) and school clubs to carry out community and school out reaches to
promote awareness of HIV through music and drama. Not only does community positively respond to the campaigns but also gives the youth an opportunity to be part of a positive social change in their society.
Community Fund’s accessibility and use of everyday language aims to offer an inclusive service that reaches those who need it most. In addition, beneficiaries are also able to invest in other income generating activities like trade, retail shops, and transportation and among others.ARUWE employs the group solidarity model where by women are encouraged to form groups which are trained. Through these groups, members have created strong bonds among themselves and instead of struggling alone, now these women work together to solve their problems.