Action for Rural Women's Empowerment

Education and Lifelong Learning

This program aims at supporting the access to quality Education for girls in and out of school. ARUWE support  

ARUWE does this by both Advocacy activities and service provision in some cases.

Areas of intervention include; Advocacy for improving access to quality Education for Vulnerable children, sponsorship Support for OVCs, construction of structures including classrooms, water and sanitation facilities, access to reading materials, science equipment and computers.

ARUWE supports Children out of school with life skills. By this ARUWE supports establishment of skills training centers. Such skills include tailoring, computing skills, bakery, Music, art, etc.


Program statement: Bridging gender equality gaps through education

About the program:  The program aims to reduce gender disparities in formal and informal education for girls, youth, young women and women who are in and out of school in vulnerable situations. Our program is directed by 3 objectives which include;

Program objectives:

  1. Improve access to education for girls in schools
  2. Increase literacy levels, vocational and life skills for women, youth and vulnerable children
  3. Build girls and women’s capacity to engage local and national governments to ensure operationalization of gender-responsive policies


  • Skills development (business, life and vocational skills)
  • Job creation through enterprise development methodology
  • Advocacy for improving access to quality Education for Vulnerable children
  • Construction and renovation of classroom facilities and WASH facilities
  • Access to capital through revolving fund loans

Mentorship and business coaching